
How To Clean The Check Valve On Pump P-900

  • FAQ
  • Troubleshooting
  • Accessories
  • Flow path schemes
  • Spare parts
  • Unicorn upgrade


I desire to know the DIMENSIONS and WEIGHT of my system.

Which EMPTY COLUMNS are recommended for my system?

Why should I accept REGULAR, PLANNED MAINTENANCE on my system?

I desire to know the FLOW and PRESSURE RANGE of my system?

How tin I Exam THE PERFORMANCE of my system?

What DOCUMENTS are supplied with my system?

What kind of ORGANIC SOLVENT tin I utilise with my ÄKTAdesign arrangement?

How can I decide the delay book?

How can I USE my arrangement in COLD ROOMS?

How tin can I clean my system?

HOW LONG should the UV LAMP on my system Last?

I would like to PROGRAMMING UNICORN are there any examples available?

Where can I find the latest manuals for UNICORN?

Spare parts


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# Product Name Product Code Price
i PEEK Tubing, 2 m, i.d. 0.v mm, o.d. 1/16" 18111368 61.47 USD Add to cart
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ii PEEK Tubing, 2 m, i.d. 0.75 mm, o.d. 1/sixteen" 18111253 80.72 USD Add to cart
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3 PEEK Tubing, 2 m, i.d. one.0 mm, o.d. i/16" 18111583 69.21 USD Add to cart
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4 ETFE Tubing, 1.5 yard, i.d. 0.75 mm, o.d. 1/16" 18111974 67.94 USD Add to cart
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5 FEP Tubing, i.d. 1/8 in (3/16 in) 18111247 88.threescore USD Add together to cart
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6 ETFE Tubing, 2 one thousand, i.d. 0.v mm, o.d. 1/sixteen in 18112096 61.00 USD Add to cart
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7 ETFE Tubing, 1.5 yard, i.d. 0.75 mm, o.d. i/16" 18111974 67.94 USD Add to cart
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Spare sparts for Sample inlet

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Spare parts, front end view

Figure. ÄKTApurifier UPC 100, front view.

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# Product Name Product Code Price
1 Bespeak Cable, (half-dozen-pin miniDin-Open up) 18111064 321.00 USD Add to cart
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ane Rinsing/draining housing 18111203 90.84 USD Add together to cart
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ane Piston kit 100 ml 18111213 606.00 USD Add to cart
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1 Inlet manifold 100 ml 18111225 94.38 USD Add to cart
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1 Seal kit 100 ml 18111312 775.00 USD Add to cart
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ane Tubing Kit for Rinsing System 18111332 357.00 USD Add together to cart
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1 Pumphead capillaries 18111752 108.93 USD Add together to cart
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1 New Purge Kit P-900 18112453 76.56 USD Add together to cart
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1 Pumphead complete 100 ml 18112848 ane 867.00 USD Add to cart
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one Bank check valve kit 18112866 1 134.00 USD Add to cart
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i Purge valve 18112887 205.00 USD Add together to cart
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1 O-Ring, 1 × iii mm, PFR 19003601 73.60 USD Add together to cart
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2 Filter 254 nm 18062001 683.00 USD Add to cart
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ii Filter 280 nm 18062101 662.00 USD Add together to cart
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2 Filter 214 nm 18062201 760.00 USD Add to cart
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ii Filter 365 nm 18062401 750.00 USD Add to cart
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ii Filter 405 nm 18062501 679.00 USD Add together to cart
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two Filter 436 nm 18062601 679.00 USD Add to cart
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2 Filter 546 nm 18062701 679.00 USD Add to cart
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2 Dummy Electrode, round tip 18111103 187.27 USD Add to cart
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2 pH Electrode, circular tip 18111126 1 473.00 USD Add to cart
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2 pH Menses Jail cell 18111292 1 204.00 USD Add together to cart
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2 pH Electrode with Cell and Holder, round tip 18113484 2 280.00 USD Add to cart
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ii Flow cell holder 18305587 345.00 USD Add to cart
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two Hg optics with 254 and 280 nm filters 28404223 five 975.00 USD Add together to cart
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2 Zn optics with 214 nm filter 28404224 five 975.00 USD Add to cart
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2 Hg lamp and housing consummate 28404225 ane 850.00 USD Add to cart
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2 Zn lamp and housing complete 28404226 2 426.00 USD Add to cart
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two Hg lamp 28935493 1 830.00 USD Add to cart
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two Zn lamp 28936572 one 857.00 USD Add to cart
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iii Stop Plug 1/16" Male 18111252 49.lx USD Add together to cart
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3 Mixer One thousand-925 for classic ÄKTA 18111889 2 192.00 USD Add together to cart
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four Mixer Yard-925 Mixing Chamber, 0.half dozen ml 18111890 825.00 USD Add together to cart
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4 Mixer M-925 Mixing Chamber, 2 ml 18111891 494.00 USD Add to cart
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four Mixer M-925 Mixing Chamber, 5 ml 18111892 555.00 USD Add together to cart
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four Mixer Yard-925 Mixing Chamber, 12 ml 18111893 645.00 USD Add to cart
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5 Motor Valve INV-907 18110840 3 946.00 USD Add to cart
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5 Repair kit, valve INV-907 18110905 863.00 USD Add together to cart
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5 Mounting Subclass for Valves 18110911 29.09 USD Add to cart
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5 Injection Kit, INV-907 18111089 527.00 USD Add together to cart
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5 Sample loop 100 µl 18111398 157.13 USD Add to cart
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5 Sample loop 500 µl 18111399 204.00 USD Add to cart
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five Sample loop 1 ml 18111401 171.12 USD Add to cart
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5 Sample Loop 2.0 ml, INV-907 18111402 255.00 USD Add to cart
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5 Sample loop, ten µl 18112039 67.94 USD Add to cart
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five Fill Port, INV-907 18112766 223.00 USD Add to cart
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five Sample Loop 5 ml, PEEK 18114053 193.72 USD Add together to cart
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6 Short cavalcade holder, for columns 10 to 50 mm o.d. 18111317 178.48 USD Add to cart
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6 Long Column Holder, columns 26 mm i.d. 18112632 263.00 USD Add to cart
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seven Electrical conductivity Period Prison cell, 1/16" 18111105 1 967.00 USD Add together to cart
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seven Clamp, electrical conductivity cell 18111114 102.24 USD Add to cart
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viii UV flow cell, 5 mm, for U9-Fifty 18112824 two 166.00 USD Add to cart
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9 Flow Restrictor FR-904 18111963 358.00 USD Add to cart
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9 Flow Restrictor FR-902 18112135 615.00 USD Add to cart
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10 Inlet filter holder kit 11000407 140.nineteen USD Add together to cart
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10 Spiral lid kit 11000410 41.97 USD Add to cart
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10 Inlet filter set up 11000414 91.66 USD Add to cart
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10 Inlet Filter Assembly Kit 18111315 159.60 USD Add to cart
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10 Inlet tubing kit, i.d. 2.nine mm, o.d. 3/16 in 18111440 150.97 USD Add to cart
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10 Inlet Filter Set 18111442 167.90 USD Add together to cart
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Unions, ferrules and terminate plug

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Spare parts not indicated in the view

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# Production Name Production Code Price
1 Cable UniNet, L = 0.xviii m 18110972 119.46 USD Add to cart
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2 Cable UniNet, L = 0.iii yard 18110973 131.34 USD Add to cart
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3 Cablevision UniNet, L = one.5 m 18111775 213.00 USD Add to cart
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four Cable UniNet, L = three m 18110975 319.00 USD Add to cart
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5 Cable UniNet L=15 m 18111774 425.00 USD Add to cart
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six Mains cable, 120 V 19244701 57.98 USD Add to cart
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seven Mains cable 220 V 19244801 89.86 USD Add to cart
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8 Betoken Cable, (half-dozen-pin miniDin-Open) 18111064 321.00 USD Add to cart
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nine Online Filter Holder (archetype ÄKTA systems) 18111244 527.00 USD Add together to cart
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10 Online filter kit 18102711 120.78 USD Add to cart
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11 On-line filter kit 18113023 147.73 USD Add to cart
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12 Small Cavalcade Clamp 18114998 40.98 USD Add to cart
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xiii Tubing cutter, for PEEK, EFTE, and FEP tubing i.d. 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.6 mm 18111246 80.74 USD Add to cart
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14 Lab Rod Holder 18111319 398.00 USD Add to cart
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Spare parts recommended to go on on site

Seals are considered as consumables and should exist replaced annually or when needed. Please keep a set of each in your stock to forestall long downtime. For code numbers refer to the table below.

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Spare parts, Accessory box delivered with the system

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Unicorn upgrade

ÄKTAbasic, ÄKTAexplorer, ÄKTApurifier

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Menses path schemes

Tubing configuration for loading a Sample loop or multi-loading a Sample loop

Tubing configuration when using sample pump P-960 for loading onto column

Capillary (max. length) Connector Connection points
PEEK i.d. 0.75 mm x 20 cm
(Sample inlet tubing)
Fingertight connector one/16", eighteen-1112-55 Injection valve, port 4
Fingertight connector one/16", 18-1112-55 Sample valve,
center port*
I.d. 1.0 mm x 50 cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port 3
Fingertight connector i/xvi", xviii-1112-55
Wedlock fingertight female person/M6 male,
Sample pump, inlet
I.d. 1.0 mm x 130 cm
Fingertight connector 1/sixteen", eighteen-1112-55 Injection valve, port five
I.d. 1.0 mm ten 10 cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", eighteen-1112-55 Sample pump, outlet
Fingertight connector one/16", 18-1112-55 Menses restrictor,
inlet port
I.d. one.0 mm ten 120 cm
Fingertight connector i/16", eighteen-1112-55 Flow restrictor,
outlet port
I.d. 1.0 mm 10 32 cm
Fingertight connector 1/xvi", 18-1112-55 Sample valve,
inlets S1-S7*
PTFE i.d. one.6 mm x 130 cm
Tubing conn. one/viii" o.d. tubing,
with ferrule for i/8" o.d tubing,
Wedlock 5/16" female person/HPLC male,
Sample valve,
inlet S8*

*Only if a sample valve is installed. Connect stop plugs to non-used ports in the sample valve.

Fingertight connector 1/sixteen"

Union fingertight female person/M6 male

Union v/16" female/HPLC male person

Tubing connector for 1/viii" o.d. tubing with ferrule for 1/eight" o.d. tubing

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ÄKTApurifier 10 UPC and ÄKTApurifier 100 UPC

For information regarding each component, place the cursor over the component of interest.

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Multi-loading a Super loop

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Contrary menstruum valve

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Tubing configuration for loading a Super loop or for multi-loading a Super loop

Tubing configuration when using sample pump P-960 for loading onto column

Capillary (max. length) Connector Connection points
I.d. ane.0 mm x 130 cm
(Sample inlet tubing)
Fingertight connector 1/sixteen", 18-1112-55
Wedlock fingertight female/ M6 male, 18-1112-57
Sample pump, inlet
I.d. 1.0 mm x 50 cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Sample pump, outlet
Fingertight connector i/xvi", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port iii
I.d. 1.0 mm x 130 cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port iv
I.d. 1.0 mm x ten cm
Fingertight connector one/16", eighteen-1112-55 Injection valve, port v
Fingertight connector ane/16", 18-1112-55 Flow restrictor, inlet
I.d. one.0 mm x 120 cm
Fingertight connector i/16", eighteen-1112-55 Catamenia restrictor, outlet
Fingertight connector ane/16"

Marriage fingertight female/M6 male

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Loading a Sample loop

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Loading a Super loop

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ÄKTApurifier 10 UPC and ÄKTApurifier 100 UPC with automation kits

Each number represents a separate ÄKTAdesign kit. For information regarding each component, place the cursor over the component of interest.

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Direct loading on to column

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Injection valve INV-907

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Multi-loading a Sample loop

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Tubing configuration for direct loading onto cavalcade

Tubing configuration when using sample pump P-960 for loading onto column

Capillary (max. length) Connector Connectedness points
I.d. 1.0 mm ten l cm
(Sample inlet tubing)
Fingertight connector i/sixteen", xviii-1112-55 Sample valve,
middle port*
Fingertight connector one/16", 18-1112-55
Union fingertight female/ M6 male person,
Sample pump, inlet
I.d. 1.0 mm x l cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Sample pump, outlet
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port ii
PEEK i.d. 0.75 mm x fifteen cm
Fingertight connector 1/16", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port three
Fingertight connector ane/16", 18-1112-55 Injection valve, port 6
I.d. one.0 mm x 130 cm
Fingertight connector one/16", eighteen-1112-55 Injection valve, port 5
I.d. one.0 mm 10 10 cm
Fingertight connector one/16", eighteen-1112-55 Injection valve, port 4
Fingertight connector 1/xvi", 18-1112-55 Menses restrictor, inlet
I.d. 1.0 mm x 120 cm
Fingertight connector one/xvi", 18-1112-55 Flow restrictor, outlet
PTFE i.d. one.6 mm x 130 cm*
Spousal relationship 5/16" female/ HPLC male person,
Tubing connector for 1/8" o.d. tubing,
with ferrule for 1/8" o.d. tubing,
Sample valve,
ports 1-8*

*But if you take a sample valve in your configuration.
Note! Connect end plugs to non-used ports in the sample valve.
Note! If low sample flows are used (£10 ml/min), sample inlet tubings connected to ports ane–7
can be replaced with i.d. one.0 mm tubing together with finger-tight connectors. The sample
inlet tubing should exist adjusted to a suitable length.

Fingertight connector 1/16"

Union fingertight female/M6 male person

Union 5/16" female/HPLC male

Tubing connector for 1/8" o.d. tubing with ferrule for 1/8" o.d. tubing.

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Sample injection using Autosampler A-900 (optional)

one. Flushed loop injection
With flushed loop injection means that the sample loop is completely filled with sample.

two. Partial loop injection
With partial loop injection means that the loop is partially filled with sample.

3. ul Pick-up injection
With ul Choice-up injection means that after aspiration from the vial, the sample volume
is transported into the loop with transport liquid (mobile stage) from some other vial.

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Organisation accessories

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# Product Name Product Code Price
5 AD-900 Analog/Digital Converter 18114862 1 756.00 USD Add to cart
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half dozen Sample loop, x µl 18112039 67.94 USD Add together to cart
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7 Sample loop 100 µl 18111398 157.xiii USD Add to cart
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8 Sample loop 500 µl 18111399 204.00 USD Add to cart
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9 Sample loop 1 ml 18111401 171.12 USD Add to cart
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10 Sample Loop two.0 ml, INV-907 18111402 255.00 USD Add to cart
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eleven Sample loop, FEP 10 ml 18116124 174.29 USD Add together to cart
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12 Superloop, i/16" fittings, 10 ml 18111381 981.00 USD Add to cart
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13 Superloop, one/16" fittings (ÄKTAdesign), 50 ml 18111382 1 139.00 USD Add together to cart
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14 Superloop Consummate, 150 ml, M6 fitting 18102385 1 358.00 USD Add together to cart
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15 Holder for XK l column 18309460 305.08 USD Add to cart
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16 Brusk column holder, for columns 10 to 50 mm o.d. 18111317 178.48 USD Add to cart
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17 Long Column Holder, columns 26 mm i.d. 18112632 263.00 USD Add to cart
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18 Small Column Clamp 18114998 40.98 USD Add to cart
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nineteen ÄKTA Extension Equipment Holder 18115831 364.00 USD Add to cart
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21 Electrical conductivity Flow Cell, one/16" 18111105 1 967.00 USD Add to cart
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22 Monitor pH/C-900 18110776 nine 598.00 USD Add to cart
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23 pH Electrode with Cell and Holder, circular tip 18113484 2 280.00 USD Add to cart
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24 Catamenia Diversion Valve, FV-923 11001170 i 144.00 USD Add to cart
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# Production Proper name Product Code Price
UNICORN 6.4 Workstation for ÄKTA pure, ÄKTA avant, ÄKTAexplorer, ÄKTApurifier, ÄKTApilot, ÄKTAprocess, UniFlux, and ReadyToProcess WAVE 25. (1) (2) 29056102 3 162.00 USD Add to cart
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UNICORN half dozen.4 Remote license without DVD (1) (2) 29067044 1 909.00 USD Add together to cart
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UNICORN six.4 Dry license without DVD (1) (2) 29067045 951.00 USD Add to cart
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UNICORN 6.4 DoE concurrent license (ane) (ii) 29067046 2 529.00 USD Add to cart
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UNICORN 6.four Column logbook, network license (1) (2) 29067047 1 265.00 USD Add to cart
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UNICORN 6.4 Remote Upgrade (ane) (2) 29067056 1 265.00 USD Add together to cart
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ÄKTAdesign kits

Each number represents a carve up ÄKTAdesign kit.

Boosted: an ÄKTAdesign XT kit required to connect Autosampler A-900 or A-905 to the system is available, lawmaking no 18-6083-nineteen.

For information regarding each ÄKTAdesign kit, place the cursor over the number.

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Connect to BPG 100, BPG 140

For connection between a BPG 100 or BPG 140 column and ÄKTApurifier you need the post-obit parts.

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Detect solutions to product related issues. For unlisted issues please contact local Cytiva service representation.

Pressure curve

Issues related to Pressure bend

Connection to UNICORN

Issues related to UNICORN™ v.ii

pH curve

Issues related to pH bend

UV bend

Issues related to UV bend

Pump P-900 unusual appearance

Bug related to Pump P-900 unusual appearance

Valve IV-908, PV-908 or INV-907 unusual advent

Issues related to Iv-908, PV-908 or INV-907 unusual appearance

Valve SV-903 unusual appearance

Issues related to Valve SV-903 unusual appearance

General communication to achieve expert performance

Earlier using the system make sure that:

  • The correct system has been selected in UNICORN System Control
  • The correct wavelength has been prepare for UV/UPC monitor
  • All tubing has been properly connected
  • All connectors are gratuitous from leakage
  • No tubing is folded or twisted
  • Online filter, if used, is inverse on a regular basis
  • Correct buffers are used for the chosen columns and proteins
  • All inlet tubing has been immersed in correct buffer solutions
  • Enough buffer has been prepared
  • Buffers have been equilibrated to the environment temperature
  • Buffers/eluents accept been degassed if necessary (e.g., in RPC runs)
  • Suitable columns have been selected for the target proteins
  • Columns have been cleaned and prepared co-ordinate to column instructions
  • Samples have been clarified by centrifugation and/or filtration prior to sample loading
  • Samples have been adjusted to binding buffer conditions
  • Auto sampler (if used) has been prepared according to user transmission
  • The fraction collector has been filled with appropriate number of microtiter plates or tubes
  • Appropriate arrangement for waste handling has been prepared

Sample pump P-960 unusual appearance

Issues related to Sample pump P-960 unusual apperance

Mixer unusual appearance

Issues related to Mixer unusual advent

Conductivity curve

Issues related to Conductivity curve

Monitor UPC-900 unusual appearance

Problems related to Monitor UPC-900 unusual advent


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