
How Much Do People Charge To Clean Houses

How Much to Charge for House Cleaning: Pricing Guide with Rates and Examples

Woman cleaning a home's window

You've worked hard to first your ain cleaning business from scratch. You lot registered your business organisation, decided which types of cleaning services to offering, and bought your own cleaning supplies and equipment.

At present you lot're hunting for new work, and potential clients are asking about your house cleaning prices list. Only then it hits y'all—you aren't quite certain how much to charge to clean a house.

For a standard cleaning chore, you could accuse $40 per hour, $25 per room, 10¢ per foursquare pes, or $100–170 as a flat fee. Simply which choice is best for your business and your clients?

That all depends on a range of factors, which we'll dive into at present. We'll also explore the different kinds of pricing methods and show examples of how to cost cleaning services. Permit'southward get started!

How to quote for cleaning services: consider your pricing factors

Before you start thinking about exact numbers, it's important to think about the near common factors that will influence your house cleaning costs:

  • Labor: How many workers practice you have and what are they paid? Cistron in your hourly rate for your team's labor, even if you're currently a team of one. Multiply your hourly charge per unit past the number of workers for that job, then add 18% payroll on superlative. That's your blank minimum corporeality, without fifty-fifty factoring in overhead costs and other factors.
  • Overhead and profit margin: What does your cleaning company demand to survive and profit? This covers taxes, fuel, cleaning insurance, supplies, advertising, and all other business expenses. Once you know your hourly rate, add at least l% to cover overhead and profit margins (which should be 20–35% on its ain).
  • Home size: What size of homes will you be cleaning? This is usually determined by foursquare footage or the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. The larger the home, the more than you should charge for your house cleaning service.
  • Home condition: How dirty is the dwelling house right now? Get photos or do a walkthrough to find out. The worse the home'due south condition, the more cleaning it'll need—and the more than you'll want to charge for your fourth dimension and effort. You lot may want a higher rate if the client has pets, as well, since this could hateful you have to come up more often or clean more carefully.
  • Dwelling house location: Where is the abode? If y'all have to travel a fair distance, you'll need to charge more than to cover travel fourth dimension and fuel. Yous tin can also schedule clients in the same area on the same 24-hour interval, or use route optimization to cut down on bulldoze time.
  • Local demand: What'due south the going rate in your region? Your rate should be unique to your business, but some areas do have a college or lower going rate based on how much demand there is for cleaning services. Apply the local rate to make sure you aren't over or undercharging.
  • Platonic client: What type of client do yous want to work with? If yous're working in a lower-income expanse, premium pricing won't get you far. On the other hand, lower rates in a high-income area could mean you lot're leaving money on the table. Make certain to charge right around the rate that your client is willing to pay.
  • Type of cleaning: What services will the client demand? Bones tasks like vacuuming and dusting (especially if you're doing them every week) won't take as long as a more thorough one-fourth dimension deep cleaning. Y'all'll want to charge more than for services that take more time, effort, or supplies—or specialty services that your competitors don't offer.
  • Cleaning frequency: How often volition you be cleaning? A one-fourth dimension deep clean needs plenty of time and elbow grease, specially if it hasn't been done in a while. If you lot're cleaning regularly, though, yous won't have as much work to do considering you're in maintenance style. The more time and endeavour yous invest, the more yous should charge.
  • Experience level: How long have you been professionally cleaning? If y'all've been in the manufacture for a long time, you lot can accuse a premium for your reputation and know-how. If y'all're less experienced, you may have to wait to charge that college charge per unit until y'all accept the experience to back it upward.

PRO TIP: If there'due south a cleaning contract involved, try to exercise an initial cleaning before signing on the dotted line. This will prove you how much work to expect each time. Otherwise you could be locked in at a lower rate or longer cleaning fourth dimension than you planned for!

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How to charge for cleaning a firm: choose a pricing method

At that place are v mutual methods to help you decide how much to charge for cleaning a firm. All of them can be constructive—it's just a matter of finding the pricing strategy that works best for you.

⏰ 1. Hourly rate for business firm cleaning

Charging a house cleaning hourly rate is a great idea when y'all're first starting out. Y'all might non know how long it'll accept to make clean, so charging hourly gives you lot the time you need.

Hither'due south how to cost cleaning a house based on hourly rate. There are two dissimilar numbers in play—the amount each worker takes home, and the corporeality you actually charge per hour:

How much should I charge for house cleaning at an hourly rate?

  • The boilerplate hourly pay for a maid, cleaner, or housekeeper in the U.s.a. is $12.61. This number tin be a few dollars higher or lower depending on skill level, average pay in their state, and whether they work in homes or hotels, since homes pay slightly better. Average pay per country tin can provide a starting point for pay, only make sure you and your employees are getting a fair wage based on work and experience.
  • Your business firm cleaning hourly rate factors in labor, overhead, and turn a profit margins. An appropriate hourly rate is around $25–50 for less experienced cleaners or standard services, only a i-fourth dimension deep cleaning cost per hour could exist up to $100.

Lower rates ordinarily apply to echo clients who accept y'all clean every week or and so. If the habitation needs more piece of work or more cleaners, you can charge a higher hourly rate for business firm cleaning.

You may as well choose to offer a discount for repeat clients, service packages, or other upsells.

Should you charge an hourly rate for firm cleaning?

There are some situations where charging an hourly rate for house cleaning might not benefit yous:

  • If you're an established business, you aren't rewarded for getting faster and amend at your job unless you charge a higher hourly rate.
  • Some clients might not want an hourly rate for business firm cleaning—they may recall yous'll take longer on purpose and then you tin can make more coin.

Merely if yous accuse the right firm cleaning rates and take time to build trust with your client, you tin however make this pricing method work for you.

PRO TIP: The commencement visit takes the longest. You lot might desire to charge a higher rate for the offset visit, so reduce your rate for future visits. Make certain to do a pre-visit walkthrough the beginning fourth dimension, too—that tin help you decide what to charge for firm cleaning.

💰 two. Flat fee

With flat fee pricing, you don't demand to worry about off-white pay and client trust as much as you would with hourly rates. This is one of the about common pricing methods for house cleaners.

With the flat fee method, y'all're pricing your value, not your fourth dimension. Your services solve a problem—what'due south the solution worth to the client?

For example, perchance your client lives alone and works long hours. They don't have fourth dimension to tidy up or do laundry. Show them the value of solving their problem, and the flat fee will be a small-scale price for the client to pay.

Here'southward how to charge for house cleaning for a flat fee:

Flat fee house cleaning pricing guide

  • A weekly or bi-weekly make clean tin be $100–170 for a typical single-family home. You can raise your flat fee if you'll be cleaning more than rooms or visiting less often, or lower your rate if y'all're cleaning an apartment or smaller dwelling.
  • Former deep cleaning tin can exist $200–400, especially if the home is on the larger side. If it's a move-in or move-out cleaning, aim for the higher end of that range—the business firm will be empty, then you'll exist roofing more basis than normal.
  • For a construction cleanup, you tin accuse anywhere from your normal deep clean rates all the manner up to $800 to clean a new build or contempo renovation.

To decide your flat fee, consider pricing factors similar time, number of rooms, and number of workers. Build in healthy turn a profit margins and a piffling extra padding in case of unexpected hiccups with the piece of work.

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Should I charge a apartment fee for my cleaning services?

A apartment fee is based on value, and information technology's the nearly benign for your client. Your budget is set from the get-go, no matter how much cleaning product y'all apply or how much fourth dimension yous spend on the job.

While a flat fee can be easier to sell to the customer, information technology can likewise cost you if your rate doesn't cover all the cleaning they need. You should be making money with this pricing method, not losing it.

PRO TIP: Time yourself as y'all clean so you lot can see how long information technology takes, so recall about ways to make sure yous tin hit this time limit with every job. If y'all don't accept whatsoever clients yet, clean your own habitation or a friend's.

🛏 iii. Room rate

Charging a flat rate tin can exist tricky when yous're cleaning houses of all shapes and sizes. That's why some cleaners ready their home cleaning services cost list based on a room rate.

The term "room rate" most ofttimes refers to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, not the number of bodily rooms in the home. That said, y'all tin definitely summate a rate based on bodily rooms if yous'd like!

READ More than: Use our free house cleaning checklist

When you're deciding how much to charge for house cleaning per room, use these numbers every bit a starting point:

How much to charge for firm cleaning per room

The average room charge per unit for a i-bedroom, one-bathroom dwelling is $75–110, plus $25 for each additional bedroom and $10 for each extra bathroom.

So if y'all presume a starting rate of $95 and you're cleaning a three-bedroom, two-bathroom dwelling house, a reasonable rate could be $160 for a weekly cleaning job.

If a home has more than bedrooms, it may take a larger kitchen and living space, too. Keep that in heed when you're calculating room rates for homes with four or more than bedrooms.

Should I accuse a room rate for my cleaning services?

This pricing method works better for repeat jobs where each room is in reasonably good condition. It won't work besides for deep cleaning a house that hasn't been done in a while.

The room rate also applies to every room, no matter how big or small it is. So make sure you assign accurate prices to each type of room to go on your jobs equally profitable every bit you tin can.

READ MORE: Acquire to bundle and upsell cleaning services

🏠 iv. Square footage charge per unit

If calculating a room rate feels like too much math, y'all can follow in the footsteps of other successful cleaners and ready your residential cleaning prices based on square footage.

This type of pricing is piece of cake to calculate on the spot when a client is request for a quote. Simply ask them for the square footage, then multiply that number past your square footage charge per unit.

Your square footage rate should vary depending on the size of the home and the blazon of cleaning you're providing. Here'south how to calculate cleaning cost per square foot:

How much do I charge to make clean a house per square foot?

  • For weekly or bi-weekly cleaning, you can charge 5–15¢ per foursquare human foot. As a general rule, the higher the square footage, the lower your charge per unit should be.
  • If yous're doing a move-out clean, y'all can charge up to 22¢ per square foot since y'all're actually cleaning every single one of those square feet.
  • One-time deep cleaning can cost up to 33¢ per square foot since it might not have been done for a while, and you're putting more effort into each square pes.

So if you're deep cleaning a furnished 700 sq ft apartment at a foursquare footage rate of 30¢, you would quote $210 for that one-time job.

Regularly cleaning a 2,000 sq ft home at a charge per unit of 7¢, on the other hand, would earn you $140 each week. It's less income per task, but it'due south recurring work that you can ever count on.

Should I charge a square footage rate for my cleaning services?

Foursquare foot pricing works specially well if you also make clean commercial spaces. Commercial clients prefer this pricing method, and so you lot might observe it easier to toll all your cleaning jobs the same way.

If you make up one's mind to quote by square footage, run the numbers for a few different house sizes. Then make sure yous're still coming out ahead for labor, supplies, overhead, and turn a profit margins.

READ More than: Endeavor out the best apps for cleaning services

✨ 5. Specialty cleaning services

Specialty services are an extra pace to help your clients solve a problem. Many house cleaners don't accept the ability to solve information technology, but y'all practice—and that sets y'all apart from your competitors.

Not sure how much to accuse for specialty services? Usually, these types of add-ons employ a mix of the other four pricing models, depending on what the service is.

READ More: Offer service packages with adept, improve, all-time pricing

This is how to accuse for cleaning services that aren't as normally offered:

Specialty services firm cleaning pricing guide

  • Floor cleaning services are near often based on square footage, merely y'all could also charge hourly, flat fee, or room rate. Buffing is 4–12¢, tile cleaning is 12–21¢, rug cleaning is 16–28¢, and stripping and waxing is 30–l¢.
  • The average toll of apparatus cleaning depends on how large the appliance is and how much piece of work is needed. You can usually accuse $x–35 per appliance, but you could quote up to $100 for a larger task similar a fridge cleaning if information technology's in actually bad shape.
  • If you offer window cleaning, it's mutual to charge $2–6 per pane based on size, time, and attempt.
  • Laundry services cost $5–twenty per load. That usually only includes washing and drying—if you're willing to spend time folding and putting away also, make sure to charge more.
  • Quoting furniture and drape cleaning, like anything else, depends on how many pieces you're looking at, how large they are, and what kind of shape they're in. You tin kickoff at $100 per hour for this type of service and piece of work your fashion up from in that location.

Go on in heed that this is simply a starting bespeak. You tin set your own prices based on what feels right for your state of affairs and your clients—and what they're willing to pay.

PRO TIP: You can also set yourself apart from competitors by using eco-friendly cleaning products, either every bit a value add or at an optional actress cost. Just brand sure your bottom line can handle more expensive supplies!

How much to charge for deep cleaning a business firm

If you're doing a deep make clean, you can add an extra 30–l% to your normal cleaning rates. Hither'southward what that could look like using the various pricing methods:

  • Deep Cleaning Hourly Rate: $40–100, based on squad size and experience
  • Apartment Fee: $200–400+, depending on the size of the home (and your squad)
  • Room Rate: $98–165 for ane bed and 1 bathroom, plus $35/bedroom and $fifteen/bath
  • Square Footage Rate: $0.eleven–0.33 per sq ft (at the lower end for larger homes)

How to quote cleaning services: summate your rate

Then you've considered all your pricing factors and chosen a pricing method. Now it's time to really acquire how much to charge for cleaning house, and how to present the cost quote to your customer.

Here's an example of how to price a cleaning job. Allow's say a new client is asking for a quote. Later asking them some questions, you observe out that:

  • The home is 3,000 sq ft
  • They live next door to one of your other clients
  • They want you to make clean every week
  • They demand basic cleaning plus laundry services
  • They accept iii dogs that shed

You decide yous'll need a squad of three cleaners for four hours a calendar week. The dog hair will take fourth dimension to bargain with, but you can be more than efficient by scheduling this client and their neighbor on the same mean solar day.

PRO TIP: If your new customer was referred by their next-door neighbor (one of your existing clients), recall near offering referral incentives for both clients to thank them for their business organisation.

💭 "How much should I accuse to clean a house?"

Using an hourly pricing model, let'south swoop into the math:

  1. Calculate Labor Hours: Multiply the number of people on the chore (3) by the number of hours the job will take (4). This gives y'all a full of 12 labor hours per visit.
  2. Summate Labor Toll: Multiply your labor hours (12) by your workers' total hourly wage (let's say they make $12 per hour). That's a labor cost of $144. This step might exist tricky if your workers brand different wages, but in that instance, average out their wages and use that number.
  3. Add Payroll Expenses: Multiply your labor cost by your payroll percentage, which covers expenses similar workers' compensation, social security, and wellness benefits. This number varies by state and should be padded a little. And then if your state's pct is 17%, round upwards to 20% to become a total employee expense of $172.eighty.
  4. Add together Other Fees: Let's say y'all're offering laundry on height of your regular cleaning services. You accuse $x per load, and the client needs three loads per visit, adding up to $xxx each time. Considering the client also has dogs, yous determine to add together a small fee of $15 per visit to deal with the added dust and pet hair. That'due south a total of $45 in added fees per visit for a full of $217.80.
  5. Add Overhead: Your overhead costs will depend on factors similar how large your company is, how much marketing you're doing, and how far yous have to travel for jobs. Still, information technology's skillful practice to add at least 20–25% to your chore total. Bold y'all're at the lower end, that brings your quote upwardly to $261.36.
  6. Add Profit Markup: Everything you've calculated so far will help you lot pay your workers and keep your business running, but you even so need to calculate turn a profit margins for this job so your business can grow! Add a markup of at least 10% to bring your final number to $287.50, which means yous're making $26.14 on this chore.

It might audio similar a lot of math, but if y'all use cleaning business software to create your costless estimates, yous tin send out quotes on the spot and get-go cleaning fifty-fifty faster.

PRO TIP: If you're planning to discount your services in any fashion, heighten your markup percentage so you're nevertheless making money on each task. Remember, that discount can't come out of wages or overhead—it can only come out of your profits.

"So how much should I accuse for cleaning a business firm?"

Now you know the answer—it depends! There are lots of factors to consider and a range of pricing methods to aid you set your firm cleaning prices.

Your prices won't be exactly the aforementioned as anyone else'south, and they shouldn't be. Instead, they'll be the prices that are just right for you and your clients.

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Originally published July 2022. Concluding updated August 26, 2022.


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